Friday, July 10, 2009


This pretty girl I know told me about a great podcast called The Dirtbag Diaries.  It’s sort of like a younger, lo-fi This American Life for outdoor enthusiasts.  I’ve been catching episodes here and there on runs or bike rides to work.  On one recent post, they interviewed a guy from Boulder and he talked about how the simple gift of a climbing rope changed his life forever.  In another short clip, the host, Fitz Cahall, delivers a great monologue about the changing seasons and how it shapes his year.


“I’ve begun to crave and also fear the caress of cold water.  I’ve yet to swim this season and it’s time for me to lend momentum to the passing of the season.  It’s these moments, these chapters, not the days on the calendars, that push me through life’s gentle sway.  It keeps me looking forward instead of back.  It’s just a matter of recognizing the opportunity when it arrives.”

It’s only a few minutes long, give it a listen here.  I love that there are shows like this out there and companies like New Belgium and Patagonia who are willing to sponsor it.  It makes me wonder what projects I should get started.

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