Monday, April 20, 2009


And with that, I’ve officially declared it to be Spring in Boulder.  If I may say so, Colorado really did it with class. Ten to twelve inches of snow and slush on Friday, sunshine and 70 by Monday.


One foot in front of the other

Entering week 3 of my training, I find myself more and more excited each morning.  I have yet to crest the 10 mile mark but each run has been challenging, fun, even liberating.  Evidently, my body believes in the adage that old memories die hard.  Injuries from the high school wrestling team have resurfaced like a childhood friend you never cared to see again.  Plenty of memories together, none of which are particularly warm.  Maybe a few ice packs and some well calculated disregard will remedy the situation.  Thoughts of race day are met with blind confidence and a touch of  rational trepidation.  I consider this to be an appropriate cocktail for the task.  Time and again, I remind myself that 80 year olds can run 26.2 miles, and 60 year old dads can run 26.2 after swimming 2.4 and biking 112…while pushing your 37 year old son in his wheel chair.  For those of you who haven’t heard the story of Team Hoyt, it’s defines inspiration, well beyond that of athletics.  Here is one of the many videos on their story.



People and vibrations.

I like people.  I like watching how they interact with each other.  When Spring hits, there seems to be a lot more people watching to be done.  In the end, I think we’re all just looking for people who can understand us.  Polite company is found without much hassle, we can carry a conversation with anything that nods.  But the really good ones to watch are the conversations among those who know each other so well there’s absolutely nothing to hold them back.  They’ve established such a solid foundation of character, it would be nearly impossible to destroy that groundwork.  It is when we’ve stacked the decks in our favor that we’re free to really let loose, to push the friendships and the world we live in upwards, more so than it was before we came into it.  So let’s get together soon, you and I.  Let’s kick back or race forward, I rather like doing both.

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